Ankara, Damascus look forward to unified future through cooperative efforts

By Turgay Yerlikaya

It is very clear that the call made after October 22nd pointed to two objectives that would shape Turkish political life. The first was for the terrorist organization's founding leader to respond to the call through an interlocutor, followed by the laying down of arms and the disbandment of the organization. The acceptance that the conditions that created the terrorist organization, both theoretically and practically, no longer exist and that the organization has trapped itself in a vicious cycle, thus leaving no option but dissolution, was an important step in the construction of a "terror-free Turkiye."

At this stage, rather than focusing on the technical details of the process, it is crucial to highlight what kind of contributions will emerge in the medium to long term and how a pluralistic democratic foundation will be established in the second century of the Republic. These aspects are highly important for the success of the process.

The second objective of the statements made after October 22nd was to build a terror-free region. Indeed, considering the PKK’s influence in Iraq, Syria, and Iran through regional and global actors, it was clear that the problem was not limited to a projection confined to Turkiye’s borders.

Therefore, discussions about whether Öcalan's call would cover the PKK structure in northern Syria and how the future of the process in Syria would unfold were important at this point.

From this perspective, after the Syrian People's Revolution, the removal of obstacles in the construction of a unified Syria, seen as a primary priority, is of great importance not only for Syria but also for Turkiye. For this reason, the agreement signed between SDG leader Mazlum Abdi and Syrian President Ahmed Shara, despite some reservations, serves the motivation of a unified Syria, and it appears that the Kurds see themselves as part of Syria’s integrity.

Motivation for a unified Syria

The agreement signed between President Shara and the SDG guarantees the participation and representation rights of all Syrians in the political process, regardless of their religious and ethnic backgrounds, which is a significant step towards Syria’s democratization. The steps to be taken regarding the legal recognition of the Kurds and the fulfillment of their demands are also an important indicator of integration. The most important aspect of the agreement is that it involves the transfer of all civil and military institutions, as well as oil fields, in northeastern Syria to the Syrian government. The implementation of this condition will also mean the abandonment of the de facto claim to autonomy in the region. According to the agreement, demographic engineering policies implemented by the PYD in the region will be abandoned, and displaced Syrians will return to their homes, which will increase the integration in Syria and remove artificial obstacles to a unified Syria.

The emphasis on fighting together against any threats that may arise from the remnants of the Assad regime strengthens the belief in the Syrian People's Revolution of all peoples. In the agreement, references to the risks that Syria’s partition may face in both discourse and action are made, and the insistence on unity demonstrates the sensitivity regarding this issue.

Expanding consensus

This declaration of will, which is not limited to the Kurds, expands to include all social groups, especially in the Suwayda region, which is highly important for a terror-free region. As local actors converge in a unified Syria environment, the possibility of regional and global actors sabotaging the process will be reduced. It is crucial to pay attention to provocations that could be created through ethnic, sectarian, or religious identities during this process.

Rehabilitating a battlefield that has experienced over ten years of civil war, with regional actors and global players involved, will undoubtedly have limitations and challenges. However, the declaration of will by local actors to accompany the process and unite will be the most important way to neutralize sabotage efforts. At this point, the contribution of an actor like Turkiye in the construction of Syria’s future will be significant. Turkiye, with strong intelligence regarding who is throwing stones at others' windows and what motivations drive these actions, will undoubtedly make major contributions to Syria's future, not only in military and intelligence but also in its democratic experience.

