Bosnia and Herzegovina Presidency Chairwoman: High Representative making all decisions leads country into crisis

"International intervention in the Bosnia and Herzegovina issue has further escalated the situation. If we look at the post-war period in Bosnia, which lasted for 30 years, we can see that the fact that all decisions currently made by the High Representative is leading the country into crisis," said Željka Cvijanović, Chairwoman of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina,delivering a speech at the "Declaration and Discussion" session within the framework of the XII Global Baku Forum, APA reports.

She stated that due to the lack of a proper approach at the time, the "Dayton Agreements" did not resolve the problem but merely prevented the escalation of the situation:

"When we compare the ‘Dayton Agreements’ with the current situation, we encounter a different scene. Therefore, I believe that the international intervention has further escalated the problem. I am personally against any intervention. We should remain committed to the obligations of the constitution, but we have deviated from this ideology. That time forced us  to implement provisions outside the 'Dayton Agreements.' If we look at the post-war period in Bosnia, which lasted for 30 years, we can see that the fact that all decisions currently made by the High Representative is leading the country into crisis. The same High Representative changes laws arbitrarily, laws that should be changed through a referendum in our country. How can this happen? There are three members of the Presidency. One of them believes that an unelected foreigner can make such decisions. We must create an opportunity for a proper, genuine internal dialogue."

She also evaluated the possibility of adopting a new constitution: "This is only possible if there is political will. However, there is no such will among the people of Bosnia. A political will must emerge that cannot be manipulated. The current political scene in our country is completely different. I only suggest the implementation of the provisions of the Constitution."

