Western Azerbaijan Community issues statement regarding Ter-Petrosyan's speech

A video recording of Levon Ter-Petrosyan's speech confirming that the ethnic cleansing carried out by Armenia against Azerbaijanis in 1993 - when he was in power, was a state policy of Armenia, has recently been circulated in the press, the Western Azerbaijan Community issued a statement, APA reports.

It was noted in the statement that, this statement by Ter-Petrosyan, whose years in power coincided with the occupation of Azerbaijani lands and carrying out the majority of the ethnic cleansing policy against Azerbaijanis, is an extremely important piece of evidence proving Armenia's systematic ethnic cleansing policy and the dangerous racist ideology that fuels such activities:

“This statement proves the purposeful intent behind the policy of ethnic cleansing and occupation, the state responsibility of Armenia, the systematic and organized nature of crimes against humanity and crimes against peace, and the existence of a specific plan.

Regarding this issue, the Western Azerbaijan Community has addressed letters to UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres and United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk. The letters call for the international community to strongly condemn Armenia's systematic state-level policy of racial discrimination and ethnic cleansing.

The West Azerbaijan Community will continue its efforts to ensure that the international community takes a firm stand against Armenia's policy of racial discrimination.”

